Memorials & Coffee Hour
(effective January 1, 2025)
Please call the church office (518-393-0742) to schedule a Memorial Service. The Ladies Philoptochos Society oversees the coffee hour every Sunday. After reserving the date with the Parish Priest, you need to contact Lucy Brady, Coffee Hour Chairperson, at 518-542-4391 if you wish to sponsor a Memorial Coffee Hour. Memorial Coffee Hours are by special arrangement only and it is your responsibility to make this request. Upon confirmation, the following should be expected:
The food provided for a memorial is a combination of baked good items, cookies, cheese & crackers, fruit, etc. A quart of milk for the coffee and half gallon of orange juice for the children is included. The Ladies Philoptochos will purchase the food for you and present you with receipts for reimbursement. Should you prefer to offer a Memorial Coffee Hour on your own, please include milk for coffee and juice in addition to whatever food items you choose.
Coffee/Tea/Paper Goods
A flat fee for coffee, tea, and paper goods is charged. If there are multiple memorial coffee hours the cost is to be shared equally by the sponsors.
$35.00 (one sponsor)
$25.00 (per family if two or more sponsors)
The Ladies of the Philoptochos Society will do the grocery shopping, set up, and serve your coffee hour. In addition, a sign is prepared with the name of the sponsorship family and the person in whose memory the coffee hour is being held.
Philoptochos Donation
The Ladies Philoptochos Society is a philanthropic organization of the Greek Orthodox Church whose mission is to provide aid to the poor, the homeless, the sick and the disadvantaged. Our Ladies work very hard at each coffee hour to purchase, set up and serve the food.
Your kindness in making a generous donation to the Ladies Philoptochos Society in memory of your loved one, in addition to the cost of the coffee hour, would be deeply appreciated. For tax purposes, a letter acknowledging your donation will be provided.
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KOLIVA – Memorial for the Departed
Koliva is offered in memory of a loved one as a prayer for the repose and salvation of their souls on the following days:
40 Day Memorial
1 Year Memorial
Annual Memorial
Saturday of Souls, for our family members and friends who have departed
Koliva can be provided for your service, but you must place an order with the church office
(518-393-0742) at least one week in advance. Philoptochos does not make Koliva and it is not automatically provided. The cost for a large tray is $100.